And Then There Were Fifty Thousand!

As you may have noticed, from the little hit counter over there on the right, The Cathode Ray Choob celebrated its 50,000th hit the other day.

Many thanks for all who have chooned in over the past 13 months, especially those of you who like it here enough to keep coming back regularly.

Having kept up a daily posting schedule for most of last year, you’ll maybe have noticed that some of the weekly features are currently taking a rest and that we’re down to about three or four posts a week at the moment.

Don’t worry, The Choob’s not going anywhere. I’m just rethinking the content of the blog and, and as a result, some of last year’s regular features will be on indefinite hiatus and some will become semi-regular.

This should free up a little time to do some more original stuff than has so far been realistic given time constraints.

Anyway, I hope you’ll keep watching this space and, as a thank you for your continued visits, here’s a cool little flip-book animation of, well… pretty much everything! It’s by Jamie Bell.

Excellent, eh? Although, I think I still prefer this different take on the same idea, which I first mentioned in this post last April:

And now, some facts and figures:

I’ve posted 423 articles since starting the blog on December 22, 2008.

Currently, the site is getting an average of around 270 hits per day. The busiest day so far was January 2, 2009, with 759 hits.

And finally, here are the all-time top 10 Choob posts so far:

  1. Gabrielle Anwar’s Freaky Naked Torso
  2. Doctor Who: A New Tardis And Latest Pics From The Set
  3. Doctor Who – First Photos From The Season Five Set And The New TARDIS
  4. Top Of The Pops Thursday: Nena – 99 Red Balloons / 99 Luftballons
  5. Blake’s 7 Teleports Back Onto BBC1
  6. It’s Classic Clip Friday: WKRP In Cincinnati – Turkey Drop
  7. Top Of The Pops Thursday: Cyndi Lauper – Time After Time
  8. Tuesday Is Theme Tunes Day – Buck Rogers In The 25th Century
  9. TV Newsround – Penny Spent? Kate Going? The Next Gen Boldly Returning? And More…
  10. BBC Winter Olympics Trailer Deserves A Medal

1 Comment

Filed under Stuff, TV Themes

One response to “And Then There Were Fifty Thousand!

  1. TBFTL

    Congratulations. Ya pie!

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